Monday, June 30, 2008

Bush Declares US In ‘State Of Emergency” Over Iranian Nuclear Fears

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By Sorcha Faal

Russian Military Analysts are reporting today that the United States President has declared that his Nation is now in a ‘State of Emergency’, both militarily and economically, by his signing of an Executive Order, and which we can read in part as reported by the White House News Service:

"By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.) (IEEPA), the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.) (NEA), and section 301 of title 3, United States Code,

I, GEORGE W. BUSH, President of the United States of America, find that the current existence and risk of the proliferation of weapons-usable fissile material on the Korean Peninsula constitute an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States, and I hereby declare a national emergency to deal with that threat."

These reports state that upon North Korea’s presenting to the United States the complete dossier on its nuclear weapons programme, and for which President Bush immediately dropped all sanctions and removed them from the American list of countries supporting terrorism, the US Intelligence Community ‘shuddered’ at the full implication of Iran’s involvement in the building of North Korean’s nuclear weapons.

Since the establishment of North Korea’s large-scale atomic energy research complex in Yongbyon in the 1960’s with the help of the Soviets, say these reports, the North Korean’s have amassed enough nuclear material in their arsenal for the making of over 200 atomic weapons in the 1-5 kiloton range.

However, since the conclusion of the Supply Agreement in December, 1995, North Korea utilized their relationship with Pakistan’s ‘Father of the Atomic Bomb’ Abdul Qadeer (AQ) Khan to build a nuclear bomb which they exploded on October 9, 2006 to the ‘shock’ of the Western Powers.

Most ominously for the West, though, has been the North Koreans detailing in their reports that the financing of the nuclear research leading to their atomic bomb was conducted on behalf of the Army of the Guardians of the Islamic Revolution, a branch of the Islamic Republic of Iran's military.

Even worse for the Americans, continue these reports, was that Pakistan itself had been funneling billions of US supplied terror funds to assist the Iranians in their efforts to acquire atomic weapons, and which has set the American’s on a ‘collision course’ with the Pakistanis.

According to the United States Government Accountability Office, over $6 billion given to Pakistan by the US since their ‘war on terror’ was begun in 2001 has been ‘lost’.

Pakistan has also refused the demands of the US Congress to be given access to AQ Khan, and as we can read as reported by the Sify News Service: “Pakistan has rejected the demand of US lawmakers for direct access to nuclear scientist Abdul Qadeer Khan, saying it alone can probe into allegations that he proliferated the country's nuclear secrets. "We have made it clear, at every level, that no outside authority can interview Dr Khan," a senior official of the foreign office told IANS.”

The ‘greatest fears’ of the Americans have now been realized, said one Top Russian General in these reports, due to Iran now being able to combine the nuclear bombs they now have with the cruise missiles they had previously acquired from Ukraine, and of which we can read as previously reported by the BBC News Service:

“Ukrainian arms dealers smuggled 18 nuclear-capable cruise missiles to Iran and China in 1999-2001, Ukraine's prosecutor-general has said.

The Soviet-era Kh-55 missiles - also known as X-55s - have a maximum range of 2,500km (1,550 miles). They are launched by long-range bombers. Official Ukrainian state bodies were not involved in the sales, the prosecutor-general's office said.

It added that the missiles were not exported with nuclear warheads.”

But, to the most concerning element of the American President’s declaration of a State of Emergency lies in the extraordinary powers granted to him, and which include his ability to bypass the US Congress to launch immediate attacks upon Iran and any Nation that comes to their defense.

Even more ominously, for the American people, is that under this new State of Emergency, President Bush is able to suspend all civil liberties and institute martial law over his citizens, even to the extent of suspending the upcoming elections should he declare it to be in his Nations best interest.

It is no wonder that the United Nations has ‘warned’ that an attack upon Iran by the US and Israel will result in a ‘fireball’ being ignited in the Middle East, but to the truest reason behind the igniting of Total Global War by the West lies in the words of the Iranian President himself, and who has warned that the astounding rise in oil prices is a ‘game’ being played upon the citizens of the Western Nations as our World is currently ‘saturated’ in oil not being used, or shipped.

For the American people to fully understand the truest state of their World, and the catastrophic horrors to come, they only need follow the rise in the price they pay for fuel to see the destruction of their economy is being deliberately manipulated to coincide with shock of war upon their own Homeland.

To the World that will arise in the ashes of this planned destruction they are only now beginning to glimpse…but to little, and much to late for them to stop what is to come.

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